Surviving Renaissance Recorders

Vienna, SAM 164
CityCollectionInventory NumberTypePitchMarkMakerMaterialSpeaking lengthNotesSourcesDatasheetBore graphImagesBlockline to thumbholeBlockline to fingerhole1Blockline to fingerhole 2Blockline to fingerhole 3Blockline to fingerhole 4Blockline to fingerhole 5Blockline to fingerhole 6Blockline to fingerhole 7Max. bore diam.Min. bore diam.Window widthWindow cutup
AmsterdamHistorisch MuseumTLDW-1sopranoc#''R·HAKA (scrolled)
/ (fleur-de-lys)
Hakapalisander, ivory300

Found during an archaeological dig in Amsterdam's Jordaan district, the instrument was being preserved with PEG solution when measured. It has a very large ivory ring at the bell which was fractured. For a while the instrument was on display at the Amsterdam museum (formerly Historical museum) but has now been confined to a depot.

My own observations and measurements. Brown (2004).

datasheet herebore graph herehere97.5112132.8153.8176.5199.3221.2241.315.212.411.23.6
AntwerpVleeshuis Museum134(VH2111)extended great bassF#+double trefoilSchrattenbachmaple2433

Extended recorder. Lowest note is C#, with all 10 holes closed. F# is produced by the fingering 0 123 4567. Originally had four keys, now replaced

Museum Vleeshuis (1981).

AssisiMuseo del Tesoro della basilica di San FrancescoFTF0127caseCase for 5 recorders. My only information is from pictures, which seems to show it once housed a tenor, two altos and two sopranos. I also have the length of the maximum and minimum chambers, which according to the museum are 580 and 275mm respectively.Laura Pontecorvo, La collezione di strumenti musicali e la prassi strumentale nel Sacro convento di San Francesco ad Assisi durante il Seicento, Recercare , 2012, Vol. 24, No. 1/2 (2012), pp. 63-92.
AugsburgMaximilian Museum3029caseCase for 28 woodwinds including 16 recorders, all now missing.My own observations and measurementsdatasheet here
BaselMusikmuseum2024.162caseA case for 5 recorders: tenor, 2 x altos and 2 x sopranos. Bought at a Swiss auction in 2024.
Lengths of chambers: 51.5mm, 2 x 34mm and 2 x 24mm.
Personal communication
BerlinMusikhistorisches Museum656bassetgKKunidentified wood832Originally from St Wenzels Kirche, Naumburg.Adriana Breukink (pers. comm.)Measured by Adriana Breukinkbore graph here27131035439747852656967933.325.820.37.3
BerlinMusikhistorisches Museum659tenorc#'HDDrebsmaple543

This instrument has a small mark below the window, which could almost be a trefoil with a left pointing stalk, similar to Brussels M1024.

Adriana Breukink (pers. comm.); Lerch (1996).

Measured by Adriana Breukinkbore graph here192.5212249285325.5360.5402433.522.417.414.45.8
BerlinMusikhistorisches Museum660tenorc#'HDDrebsmaple546

Voicing: windway, window and blowing side, towards the player.

Scheck (1975/1984); Lerch (1996).

Measured by Adriana Breukinkbore graph here193.5217253287327.536540243622.717.514.25.1
BerlinMusikhistorisches Museum2818bassetg#! ML-J type

Marvin (1972).

BerlinMusikhistorisches Museum2820bassetfA.T. ROLRol876

Voicing: windway, window and blowing side, towards the player.

Marvin (1972).

Measured by Adriana Breukinkbore graph here268303347387.5490.5530.5571.570135.
BolognaAccademia Filarmonica593 (FP12)tenord#'-noneplum484

Unusual stubby window proportions.

My own observations and measurements.

BolognaAccademia Filarmonica594 (FP13)tenord#'-! ! ML-J type BBassanobox496.8Instrument is bent.
Plays with Ganassi fingerings.
My own observations and measurements.159176.8212244.5289325361.8384.525.215.75
BolognaAccademia Filarmonica595 (FP1)tenord'P·GRECEGreceplum525

Puglisi (1981), Tiella (2005).

BolognaAccademia Filarmonica596 (FP3)tenord'P·GRECEGreceplum524

Puglisi (1981), Tiella (2005).

BolognaAccademia Filarmonica597 (FP2)tenord'P·GRECEGreceplum525

Puglisi (1981), Tiella (2005).

BolognaAccademia Filarmonica598 (FP4)tenorc'P·GRECEGreceplum567

Puglisi (1981), Tiella (2005).

BolognaAccademia Filarmonica599 (FP10)tenord'Cl:Rafi / shieldClaude Rafi plum497.5

This instrument has been shortened at the foot.

Puglisi (1981), Tiella (2005).

BolognaAccademia Filarmonica600 (FP5)bassetgP·GRECEGreceplum765.5

Puglisi (1981), Tiella (2005).

BolognaAccademia Filarmonica601 (FP11)bassetgCl:Rafi / shieldClaude Rafi plum775

Puglisi (1981), Tiella (2005).

BolognaAccademia Filarmonica602 (FP7)bassetgP·GRECEGreceplum765.5

Large piece missing from the body below hole 3

Puglisi (1981), Tiella (2005).

BolognaAccademia Filarmonica603 (FP6)bassetgP·GRECEGreceplum767

Puglisi (1981), Tiella (2005).

BolognaAccademia Filarmonica604 (FP9)basscP·GRECEGreceplum1121.3

This instrument is in two parts and has no crook. It is blown through a hole drilled in the wall with an enclosed cap.

Puglisi (1981), Tiella (2005).

BolognaAccademia Filarmonica605 (FP8)basscP·GRECEGreceplum1122

This instrument is in two parts and has no crook. It is blown through a hole drilled in the wall with an enclosed cap.

Puglisi (1981), Tiella (2005).

BolognaMuseo internazionale e biblioteca della musica (Formerly in Museo Civico Medievale)1768bassetf#! ! ML-J type ABassanobox852

My own observations and measurements.

Meer (1993).

datasheet here272296340.6380.5478.5525566.8679.8207.3
BolognaMuseo internazionale e biblioteca della musica (Formerly in Museo Civico Medievale)1815bassetf#! ! ML-J type ABassanobox850

My own observations and measurements.

Meer (1993).

datasheet here269295.3339377.5475520.5560.367021.55.9
BolognaMuseo internazionale e biblioteca della musica (Formerly in Museo Civico Medievale)1830bassetg# (estimate of original pitch)! ! ML-J type LBassanoyew

New baroque foot added, with clarinet-type keys!

My own observations and measurements.

Meer (1993).

datasheet here225252292.5335.5417.5465.350517.76.9
BolognaMuseo internazionale e biblioteca della musica (Formerly in Museo Civico Medievale)1839tenorc#' (estimate of original pitch)! ! ! ML-J type ABassanobox

New baroque foot added, with clarinet-type keys!

Hole positions given in catalogue are highly incorrect.

My own observations and measurements.

Meer (1993).

datasheet here187.9206.1242.2277326.8364.6400177
BraunschweigStädtisches MuseumCF 83bassetg#ÂÂSchnitzerbox780

Instrument has very thin walls.

Plays with Ganassi fingerings.

My own observations and measurements.

datasheet herebore graph hereHere263292337.5377449491530.56303125.56.925.5
BraunschweigStädtisches MuseumCF 81bassB+! ML-J type

Two-piece construction.

My own observations and measurements.

datasheet herebore graph hereHere394421466509690.5740782992.548.134.127.78
BresciaPrivate collection205altof''nonemaple (stained)441Personal communication with owner.datasheet herebore graph here140156.5183.5214.5249281312.53431914
BresciaPrivate collection64sopranoc#''* *cherry, probably290

Cylindrical bore with bell expansion, very large fingerholes.
Plays with Ganassi fingerings.
Large ivory ring where joint would be above thumbhole. Joint is glued and instruments effectively in one piece. Mark is only on bell

Personal communication with owner.
Brown (2002).

datasheet herebore graph here97.5106.5124.5145.5167.5193216.5242.515.214103.3

Attributed to the Rafi family in the museum catalogue, but radically different in construction to known recorders by these makers. Maker's mark is a shield with an unknown animal, very different from the shield and griffin found on instruments with additional Rafi mark and very similar in mark and construction to M2646 and M2647 in Brussels, with which it probably originally formed a set.

My own observations and measurements. Museum catalogue: Awouters, M, de Keyser, I & Vandenberghe, S (1985)

datasheet herebore graph here225252288.532941044548557730.222197.9
BrusselsMusée des Instruments de Musique (MIM)4357bassetf#?! ! ML-J type ABassanobox841My own observations and measurements.datasheet herebore graph here281.2308.2350387.8485.85275676823226.520.86.8
BrusselsMusée des Instruments de Musique (MIM)4358bassetf#?! ! ML-J type ABassanowood843Labium has been expertly repaired
Fingerhole 3 is angled towards the foot of the recorder.
My own observations and measurements.datasheet herebore graph here28131135239048752957068833.827.2206.5
BrusselsMusée des Instruments de Musique (MIM)4359bassetg#nonebox, dark-stained795Labium has same sort of repair as M1025.My own observations and measurements.datasheet herebore graph here24927331936343948452663530.422.6206
BrusselsMusée des Instruments de Musique (MIM)3330/38sopranof#'' (est)A.T. ROLRol205.5

Broken in two pieces.

According to the museum, this instrument was lost. A rough plan was made of the instrument by Freidrich Von Heune

Henri Gohin(pers. comm.)

datasheet here67.777.393.2108.5123.3139.7163172.611.94.382.8
BrusselsMusée des Instruments de Musique (MIM)M1024tenorc#'HDDrebsbox543.8

This recorder has the same or similar mark just below the window as Berlin 659. It could almost be interpreted as a trefoil.

My own observations and measurements.

Adriana Breukink (pers. comm.)

datasheet herebore graph here193.2214252285.532636440143422.518.714.25.2
BrusselsMusée des Instruments de Musique (MIM)M1025tenorc#'!! ML-J type
Bassanobox558.5Labium is a replacement.My own observations and measurements.datasheet herebore graph here18520624428032636640542824.721.5174.5
BrusselsMusée des Instruments de Musique (MIM)M1031bassetf#noneunidentified wood, stained dark red849Fingerhole 6 is angled towards the foot of the instrument.My own observations and measurements.datasheet herebore graph here269.529834138047852356567432.827.2207
BrusselsMusée des Instruments de Musique (MIM)M1032bassetg#ÂÂSchnitzercornelian cherry (Cornus mas)?781

Plays with Ganassi fingerings.

My own observations and measurements.

datasheet herebore graph here262292337376450490.553063030.52620.57
BrusselsMusée des Instruments de Musique (MIM)M1033bassetf#?! ! ML-J type HBassanomaple845Voicing: windway, window and blowing side towards the player.My own observations and measurements.datasheet herebore graph here247.5275.5319.5367465507.55506643525.3197
BrusselsMusée des Instruments de Musique (MIM)M1034basseta#'ÂÂSchnitzerbox?673

Direct blown (no cap), with key.
Fontanelle looks original, but bell rim has been almost entirely replaced.

My own observations and measurements.

datasheet herebore graph here224.8244.8285.5327.8383422460.8546.527.521.716.86.6
BrusselsMusée des Instruments de Musique (MIM)M188bassc#double trefoilSchrattenbachcornelian cherry (Cornus mas)?1138

This instrument was originally part of the collection of the Hansa Huis in Antwerp.
Key arrangement has been modified with a slab of wood now filling the space under the fontanelle.
Cap, fontanelle, key and crook are all replacements.

My own observations and measurements.

datasheet herebore graph here385406455493.5637.5682.5728.590838.927.7249
BrusselsMusée des Instruments de Musique (MIM)M189altof'double trefoilSchrattenbachmaple386.5

Columnar recorder. Lowest hole gives bottom note.
Mate to Tokyo (H Lino collection)and originally part of the collection of the Hansa Huis in Antwerp.

My own observations and measurements.
Henri Gohin (pers. comm.)

datasheet herebore graph here125135167.5200.5238271.5301.7339.52217.116.75.9
BrusselsMusée des Instruments de Musique (MIM)M2345bassetf#+!!! ML-J type PBassanomaple, figured834Voicing: windway, window and blowing side, towards the player.My own observations and measurements.datasheet herebore graph here255278326370471515.5559.567434.523.818.310
BrusselsMusée des Instruments de Musique (MIM)M2646bassetashieldapple?701This instrument has the same maker's mark as Gruuthusemuseum (Bruges) M37 (if the Bruges instrument is considered to be by a member of the Rafi family, then this instrument should be, too).
Finger holes 3 and 6 are angled towards the foot of the recorder.
My own observations and measurements.datasheet herebore graph here228.5253288.53294104454825733021.5196
BrusselsMusée des Instruments de Musique (MIM)M2647bassdshieldunidentified wood1083This instrument has the same maker's mark as Gruuthusemuseum (Bruges) M37 (if the Bruges instrument is considered to be by a member of the Rafi family, then this instrument should be, too).
Finger-holes 3 and 6 are angled towards the foot of the recorder.
My own observations and measurements.datasheet herebore graph here36539643948262567071586534.527.823.46.7
BrusselsMusée des Instruments de Musique (MIM)M440bassd#double trefoilSchrattenbachmaple1009.5

Cap is a replacement.

My own observations and measurements.
Johnathan Swayne (pers. comm.)

datasheet herebore graph here315.5348390.5430550.5598640812392922.111
CellePrivate Collection (Dr Moeck)bassetc'+single trefoilSchrattenbachivory570.5Small instrument with a silver keyMy own observations and measurements.datasheet herebore graph here190209.5245.5280330.8367402.746625.318.816.74.8
CieszynMuzeum Śląska CieszyńskiegoMC/A/1676/4904sopranino
g''?nonebone or ivory215 (TOL)Detachable decorative bell with a screw thread joint. The hole positions seem far from ideal and their widely differing sizes suggests this instrument was an experiment at best.
It was found during excavations in the historic centre of Cieszyn (Poland) in 2012.
Personal correspondence
CopenhagenRosenborg1.74sopranoc#''+nonenarwhale ivory270

Plays with van Eyck/Jambe de Fer fingerings.

Morgan (1984).

CopenhagenRosenborg1.75sopranoc#''+nonenarwhale ivory265.5

Plays with van Eyck/Jambe de Fer fingerings.

Morgan (1984).

CopenhagenMusikhistorisk Museum2009-3sopraninoeb"noneivory245The recorder is generally in good condition apart from some long cracks in the upper part of the instrument and from the damaged edge. The block is roughly made, and it is probably not original. Most likely made 1650-1675. It has no maker's mark.

Ture Bergstrom (pers. comm.)

CopenhagenMusikhistorisk MuseumE78/kat38bassetg#ÂÂSchnitzermaple781

The sides of the window are cut away, as with Merano 6851 and 6858.

Please note that due to a mix-up, earlier measurements given here about this instrument were incorrect.

Ture Bergstrom (pers. comm.)

Fjordside (1986).

datasheet herebore graph here19.86.9
DarmstadtHessisches Landesmuseum67:123bassetf#HDDrebspear or other plain fruitwood835

This instrument is very similar to Frankfurt X4261, although it obviously stems from a different original set.

My own observations and measurements.

Bär (2001).

datasheet herebore graph here282353390.3390.3478526562.3681.532.224.918.56.7
Denmark (private collection)sopranod#''none

Legêne (1995).

Dockham (NL)Streenmuseum Het Admiraliteitshuis523sopraninof#'' (est)I.V.Hbox, with siver ring on foot.204

Silver ring bears an inscription and the date 1696.

Bouterse (2001).

EdinburghUniversity Collection of Historic Musical Instruments1037sopranocR·HAKA (scrolled)
/ (fleur-de-lys)

This is a very different instrument from the one-piece Haka soprano in the Amsterdam Historical Museum

Museum plan.

Legêne, Eva. (1995).

bore graph here100.4112.2134.5156.8179.7199.5224.1247.215.111.510.73.6
EdinburghUniversity Collection of Historic Musical Instruments3921bassetc#'! ML-J type
ivory557ex Schloss Baden-Baden & bought via Tony BinghamMuseum plan
datasheet herebore graph here196.5208.5248288335374.5413.547525.518.7168
EisenachBachhaus1-100bassetb (est)Cl.Rafi / shieldClaude Rafi 642

Voicing: windway, window and blowing side, towards the player.

My own observations and measurementsdatasheet herebore graph herephoto sheet here230.5255293325.3396.8433.5463.849826.120.412.75.7
EisenachBachhaus1 98sopranoc#''+I.D.Denner282

This instrument is dated 1682.

My own observations and measurementsdatasheet herebore graph herephoto sheet here97105124.5148.3171.5194.5214.823514.49.7
8.73.3 (est)
FrankfurtHistorisches MuseumX 4260 (121)sopranoc''+double trefoilSchrattenbachmaple269.5

Columnar recorder; lowest finger-hole gives the bottom note.

The plinth and cap are missing, replaced by a later bell and cap.

Keywork and covers not original.

My own observations and measurements.

Epstein (1927), Postel, (1974).

datasheet herebore graph here86.3107.5128.5146.5169.51912112371512.112.84.8
FrankfurtHistorisches MuseumX 4261 (120)bassetf#HDDrebs? cherry830.5

Originally part of eleven recorder set with case X4266.

My own observations and measurements.

Epstein (1927), Postel, (1974).

datasheet herebore graph here284.8313.2353389.5478525561.568532.22317.75.5
FrankfurtHistorisches MuseumX 4262 (118)tenorc#'HDDrebs? cherry543

Originally part of eleven recorder set with case X4266.

My own observations and measurements.

Epstein (1927), Postel, (1974).

datasheet herebore graph here192.2215.8251285.5325.5363.5400.5434.722.516.614.65.3
FrankfurtHistorisches MuseumX 4263 (119)tenorc#'HDDrebs? cherry543.8

Originally part of eleven recorder set with case X4266.

My own observations and measurements.

Epstein (1927), Postel, (1974).

datasheet herebore graph here193216252.5286326.5364.5400434.822.416.814.45.5
FrankfurtHistorisches MuseumX 4264 (116)altog#'HDDrebs? cherry363

Originally part of eleven recorder set with case X4266.

My own observations and measurements.

Epstein (1927), Postel, (1974).

datasheet herebore graph here126.7139.2163.5188.2217240268291.317.41311.64.3
FrankfurtHistorisches MuseumX 4265 (117)altog#'HDDrebs? cherry363.9

Originally part of eleven recorder set with case X4266.

My own observations and measurements.

Epstein (1927), Postel, (1974).

datasheet herebore graph here126139.2163.2187.6216.3240267.829217.713.511.64.9
FrankfurtHistorisches MuseumX 4266case

Case for eleven recorders including X 4261-5.


Lengths of chambers: 2 × 208 mm, 2 × 278 mm, 2 × 322 mm, 2 × 412 mm, 2 × 589 mm and 1 × 905 mm.

My own observations and measurements.

Epstein (1927), Postel, (1974).

datasheet here
FrankfurtHistorisches MuseumX 4267 (114)tenord'FF / PM504

Tulip-shaped head moulding.

Plays with van Eyck/Jambe de Fer fingerings.

My own observations and measurements.

Epstein (1927), Postel, (1974).

datasheet herebore graph here190202.5238274322.5358391.54262210.311.65.2
FrankfurtHistorisches MuseumX 4268 (115)tenord'FF / PM503.5

Mate to Historisches Museum (Frankfurt) X 4268.

My own observations and measurements.

Epstein (1927), Postel, (1974).

datasheet herebore graph here188.5202.5237272.53213573904252210.211.75.4
FrankfurtHistorisches MuseumX 4269case

Case for five recorders including 114 and 115 marked PM.

Lengths of chambers: 2 × 315 mm, 1 × 423 mm and 2 × 570 mm.

My own observations and measurements.

Epstein (1927), Postel, (1974).

datasheet here
HamburgMuseum für Hamburgische Geschichte1924.206bassetf#!! ML-J type

My own observations and measurements.

Young (1993).

datasheet herebore graph here264290.5337378.5472.551856068030.425.818.87.9
InnsbruckTiroler LandesmuseumM/I 21bassetg# ? (see notes)!! ML-J type
Bassanoboxwood720Total length 773mm
Fontanelle, cap missing, fontanelle mounts have been turned or chiselled off. Bell damaged and silver "cap"has been fitted. Some damage to the upper body too. Marvin says this instrument makes no sound and that was my impression too in 2019.

Marvin (1972).

datasheet herebore graph here228255299.5338.5407450490.557732.029.418 ?
KilmarnockDean Castle75sopranod"#+noneivory255.5Ture Bergstrom planbore graph here85.596.5118.5138.5157175.5196.5215.512.
LeipzigMusikinstrumenten Museum2403altof#'A.T. ROLebony424

Repaired? with reed binding just above the blockline - small visible cracks below.

Very Dutch looking recorder with only the normal renaissance range.

My own observations and measurements.

Heyde (1978).

datasheet herebore graph here126144.5173202.8237.3272303.2330.219.516.5124.0
LeipzigMusikinstrumenten Museum1112sopraninog#''Hivory193

Wave-form turning on head.

Heyde (1978).

LeipzigMusikinstrumenten Museum1134bassetbValianibox598

Wide bored instrument with key and fontanelle for 7th hole

Measurements by Tom Lerch published in museum plan

Heyde (1978).

datasheet herebore graph here19320324328334338642649330.123.5166.7
LinzOberösterreichisches LandesmuseumMU1tenorc#'C C S? cherry563.5

Single 7th finger-hole.

Holes and window cut on slab side of wood.

Very similar to basset MU2.

My own observations and measurements.

Young, Humer, and Gschwendtner. (1997).

datasheet herebore graph herehere184200238.2272.5319.8359.8396428.822.518.514.65.7
LinzOberösterreichisches LandesmuseumMU2bassetg#nonemaple823.6

Huge tone holes and bottom bore flare suggest original pitch was nearer to f#.

Very similar construction methods to MU1, so almost certainly made by C C S too.

My own observations and measurements.

Young, Humer, and Gschwendtner. (1997).

datasheet herebore graph herehere268302.2347389.8467512554.566029.92825.56.3
LisbonMuseu da MúsicaMI 203bassetg#A Aservice (Sorbus domesticus)782

Neither fontanelle nor original cap have survived; key is a replacement

Stamp is not like the other AA recorders and appears almost as a BB

Window is so damaged, no measurement was posssible

My own observations and measurements.

Alvarenga (1994); Monteiro (2001).

datasheet herebore graph here266.3294.5332.8370.2450.3496531.862530.2524.818
Lisse (NL)'t Huys DeverDever 0588sopraninof''nonebox208

Found during an archaeological dig around 't Huys Dever in Lisse, The Netherlands.

Tenon at foot for a now missing decorative ring.

Bouterse (2001).
LondonHorniman Museum14.5.47/273sopraninoab''noneivory181

ex. Adam Carse collection


Museum online catalogue.

LondonVictoria & Albert Museum303-1882bassetg#! ! ML-J type QBassanobox764.5

Mate to 306-1882.

Replacement cap glued on to instrument. Window badly damaged, no cutup measurement possible

My own observations and measurements.

Baines (1968/2002: 85).

datasheet herebore graph here243264306.5348.3428.5477.5518.3615322518.1
LondonVictoria & Albert Museum306-1882bassetg#! ! ML-J type QBassanobox764.5

Mate to 303-1882.

Windway shortened; replacement cap: block split in two pieces, one of which is loose in the bore. Window too damaged to measure cutup

My own observations and measurements.

Baines (1968/2002: 85).

datasheet herebore graph here243263306348.5428.5477.551862031.926.318.5
MadridPrivate collectionF2bassetf#!!Bassanomaple846My own Measurements and observations.datasheet herebore graph here250277.5322365470515.55586673628.519.56.6
MadridPrivate collectionF1bassetf#!!Bassanomaple845My own Measurements and observations.datasheet herebore graph here249277322365.547151655767035.2528.3318.86.5
MeranoLandesfürstlicher Burg der Stadt Merano6851bassetg#ÂÂSchnitzer? cherry780.5

The sides of the window are cut away, as tenor, (Inv nr. 6858) and basset in Copenhagen E78/kat38.

Extensive woodworm.

My own Measurements and observations. Roos (1987).

datasheet herebore graph here264.5293337.5376.5449491530.2632.930.326.2206.9
MeranoLandesfürstlicher Burg der Stadt Merano6852basseta#double trefoilSchrattenbach? cornelian cherry656.3

Direct blown (no cap)

Mate to Merano 6853.

Fontanelle is missing.

Large scraped section in bore, giving large maximum bore diameter above. Probably done as necessary once the instrument was made for tuning the octaves.

My own Measurements and observations. Roos (1987).

datasheet herebore graph here200211.3253.8292358.6402436.553933.625.117.26.8
MeranoLandesfürstlicher Burg der Stadt Merano6853basseta#double trefoilSchrattenbach? cornelian cherry655

Direct blown (no cap).

Mate to Merano 6852.

Large scraped section in bore, giving large maximum bore diameter above. Probably done as necessary once the instrument was made for tuning the octaves.

My own Measurements and observations. Roos (1987).

datasheet herebore graph here199212253290.5358.3401436533.534.325176.8
MeranoLandesfürstlicher Burg der Stadt Merano6854bassc#ÂÂSchnitzermaple1169

Made from two pieces, with a glued joint above fontanelle.

Much woodworm and a large crack from hole 4 to above fontanelle.

Crook and key look later replacements.

My own Measurements and observations. Roos (1987).

datasheet herebore graph here394427478521.5658705753930.540.934.324.38.1
MeranoLandesfürstlicher Burg der Stadt Merano6858tenord#'ÂÂSchnitzerbox508

Window sides cut away, as basset (Inv nr 8651) and basset in Copenhagen.

My own Measurements and observations. Roos (1987).

datasheet herebore graph here176193226.526230033937540723.32014.95.7
ModenaMuseo CivicoSM 18-1981sopraninoc'''Mivory143

Wave type turning.

My own observations and measurements

Kirnbauer (1995).

datasheet here43476072.684.898.5111123.4755.22.2
ModenaMuseo CivicoSM 24-1981bassetg#double trefoilSchrattenbachmaple746.5

My own observations and measurements.
Cervelli & Meer (1982).

datasheet here238.5258298.5338415.8459.8495.5594176.6
MunichBayerisches NationalmuseumMU152sopranoc#'' (est)noneivory277

Mate to Bayerisches Nationalmuseum (Munich) MU163.

My own observations and measurements.

Wackernagel (2005).

MunichBayerisches NationalmuseumMU163sopranoc#'' (est)noneivory277

Mate to Bayerisches Nationalmuseum (Munich) MU152.

My own observations and measurements.

Wackernagel (2005).

MunichBayerisches Nationalmuseum174/37bassc#double trefoilSchrattenbachmaple1087

Cap band has similar engraving to Salzburg basset M244.

Wackernagel (2005).

MunichBayerisches Nationalmuseum180/43extended bassc#double trefoilSchrattenbachmaple, four brass keys1603

Extended recorder, lowest note is G#, with all 10 holes closed. c# is produced by the fingering 0 123 4567.

Fontanelle band engraved, Hans Ravch von Schratt.

Wackernagel (2005).

MunichBogenhauser KünstlerkapelleNr. 13bassetn/aHDDrebsboxwood834

Martin Kirnbauer: Das war Pionierarbeit. Die Bogenhauser Künstlerkapelle, ein frühes Ensemble Alter Musik. In: Alte Musik, Konzert und Rezeption (= Basler Jahrbuch für Historische Musikpraxis, Sonderband zum 50. Jubiläum der Freunde alter Musik in Basel). Winterthur 1992, S. 37–67.
Martin Kirnbauer: Die Holzblasinstrumente der Bogenhauser Künstler-Kapelle. In: Michaelsteiner Konferenzberichte 1994, S. 21–30.

And my own observations and measurements.
datasheet herebore graph here285315354.8390478.552656368332.524.517.56.4
New YorkMetropolitan Museum89.4.3133tenorc#'nonemaple, figured524.5ex. Crosby Brown Collection and almost certainly a 19th century fake or copy.My own observations and measurements.datasheet herebore graph here189.3198.5233267.5319.8354388.3419.523.819.112.16.5
New YorkMetropolitan Museum2010.205tenorc#'?!!Bassanobox562

Museum website

NurembergGermanisches NationalmuseumMI98sopranoc#''HF/HieronimusKynsekerplum, with horn ring276

Kirnbauer (1994).

NurembergGermanisches NationalmuseumMI99sopranoc#''HF/HieronimusKynsekerplum, with horn ring276

Kirnbauer (1994).

NurembergGermanisches NationalmuseumMI100altof#'HF/HieronimusKynsekerplum, with horn ring398

Kirnbauer (1994).

bore graph here128.5142.5172204.5242.5270.5297.53221816.2125.4
NurembergGermanisches NationalmuseumMI101altof#'HF/HieronimusKynsekerplum, with horn ring

Kirnbauer (1994).

bore graph here1816.213.15.9
NurembergGermanisches NationalmuseumMI102tenorc#'Hieronymus Franziskus
Kynsekerplum, with horn ring533

Kirnbauer (1994).

NurembergGermanisches NationalmuseumMI103tenorc#'HF/Hieronimus
Kynsekerplum, with horn ring

Kirnbauer (1994).

NurembergGermanisches NationalmuseumMI104bassetf#HF/Hieronimus
/in Nürnberg
Kynsekerplum, with horn ring and brass keywork821.5

Makers mark includes name: Hieronymus Franziskus Kynseker - in Nürnberg

Kirnbauer (1994).

NurembergGermanisches NationalmuseumMI145bassB! ! ! ML-J type ABassano1275

Finger-holes 3 and 6 are angled towards the foot of the recorder.

Kirnbauer (1994).

bore graph here401.8421.5465506695.5740781100543.537.526.88.3
NurembergGermanisches NationalmuseumMR212bassetg#double trefoilSchrattenbach755

Kirnbauer (1994).

NurembergGermanisches NationalmuseumMR213bassetg#C. DENNERbox754.5

Kirnbauer (1994).

NurembergGermanisches NationalmuseumMI642suprasopraninoc'''HFKynsekerivory

This tiny recorder with its turned wooden case came form a private colletion in Vienna and was erroneously catlogued as a recorder in f'' by both Martin Kirnbauer and Eva Legêne in their 1995 articles. It was bought by the museum after Martin Kirnbauer's catalogue was published.

TOL: 178

Similar to Modena SM18-1981, but about 1cm longer

Bär (1998). see also museum page

OxfordBate Collection117bassetf#! ! ML-J type HBassano851Finger-holes 3 and 6 are angled towards the foot of the recorder.
Block is a replacement but presumed original survives.
Instrument still plays and tuning is reasonably good.
My own observations and measurements.
Plan drawn by Tim Cranmore (OXFBC0117), published by the Bate Collection, Oxford, UK (? date); Cranmore (1984).
datasheet herebore graph here254.5284328.5368462510.5554668.536.427.7207.1
ParisMusée de la MusiqueE.127bassd#+double trefoilSchrattenbachmaple

Columnar recorder with extension with three additional keys and fingerholes and a back-bore, in the manner of a bassoon.

Henri Gohin (pers. comm.)

ParisMusée de la MusiqueE.301bassc#Y1145

Two-piece construction with a joint between finger-holes 3 & 4. Carved head on cap

My own observations and measurements.

ParisMusée de la MusiqueE.303basseta#double trefoilSchrattenbachmaple653.5

This instrument was direct blown (no cap).
It shows sign of woodworm damage!
Finger-hole 1 is angled towards top of the recorder. Holes 3 and 6 are angled downwards towards the foot.

My own observations and measurements.

bore graph here167205242.5287.5352395435527.517.28.2
ParisMusée de la MusiqueE.365bassetg#single trefoilSchrattenbach775

Only one trefoil mark below window.

Henri Gohin (pers. comm.)

bore graph here257.5289.5332.7373448.249353362930.428.819.38
ParisMusée de la MusiqueE.691basseta#+double trefoilSchrattenbachmaple

Columnar recorder with extension (has three additional keys and fingerholes and a back-bore, in the manner of a bassoon.)
Minimum bore diameter is at tone-hole 11 on the back-bore, namely 19.0 mm.

Henri Gohin (pers. comm.)

ParisMusée de la MusiqueE.980.2.85tenord#'none459.4Finger-holes 4 and 5 angled towards upper end of recorder.
Huge bore diameter.
Philippe Bolton (pers. comm.)135147179.5216263.5297331.5360.527.521.414.16.8
ParisMusée de la MusiqueE.1935tenore'! ML-J type unclassBassanoivory466Finger-hole 7 angled towards the foot of the recorder.
Leather covering of head, with fleur-de-lys motifs.
Said to play with Ganassi fingerings.
Plan published by the Conservatiore National Superior de Musique (now Musée de la Musique) Paris (? author, ? date)148163196.5226.5266302335.536522.117.813.45
ParisMusée de la MusiqueE.2139bassetf#HF/Hieronimus/
/in Nürnberg

Makers mark includes name, Hieronimus Kynseker
Bell is turned and carved in the form of tree roots. Bell is Marked 1630 according to Tellier (1985). and the museum web site. Kirnbauer (1995) has it as the more believable 1670

My own observations and measurements.

ParisMusée de la MusiqueE.2141great bassE+none1837Replacement foot made by Henri Gohin.Henri Gohin (pers. comm.)6026356847251043.510931142.51462614630.210
ParisMusée de la MusiqueE.2330sopranob' (est)none, but see notesBassanoivory306.5

Same maker as Paris E.1935.
The bell is turned cylindrical.
This instrument is cracked, falling to pieces, and unplayable.

My own observations and measurements.

ParisMusée de la MusiqueE.2376bassetg#! ?????fruitwood782.5Ganassi fingerings.
Maker's mark could be ! !
My own observations and measurements.265292337378451492.553163230.626.319.56.6
PisaPrivate Collectionaltog#'MHfruitwood, ivory382

'Waisted' turning, two ivory mounts, look like Nuremberg.

Recess for decorative plaque (missing) below window.

Brown (2002).

bore graph here125134.5162191.522025428431017.712.7511.27.7
PotsdamBezirksmuseum für Geschichte81/634Vsopraninof''R·HAKA (scrolled)
/ (fleur-de-lys)

Earlier in the Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nuremberg, with the inventory number MI 142, Kirnbauer (1994).

Bouterse (2001), Kirnbauer (1994)
QuedlinburgSchloss Museumcase

Case for seven recorders including those held at the Schloss Museum, Quedlinburg.

My own observations and measurements.

Kirnbauer (1995); Rüdiger (2003).

QuedlinburgSchloss Museumaltoa'S? cherry343.2

Replacement block? This is the alto having no score mark on bell, hence alto 1!

My own observations and measurements.

Kirnbauer (1995); Rüdiger (2003).

datasheet herebore graph hereHere123.3134159.3184.5213237.8264286.816.513.511.64.3
QuedlinburgSchloss Museumtenore'S? cherry464.5

Infected by woodworm in the past.

Replacement block?

This is the tenor with no marks on the bell.

My own observations and measurements.

Kirnbauer (1995); Rüdiger (2003).

datasheet herebore graph hereHere158174.5204.3237274.3309.5342379.522.42014.26.1
QuedlinburgSchloss Museumtenore'S? cherry463.5

Heavy undercutting of tone-holes.

Replacement block?

This tenor has two score marks on bell

My own observations and measurements.

Kirnbauer (1995); Rüdiger (2003).

datasheet herebore graph hereHere158174.5204237272.5310342.838022.119.1146.3
QuedlinburgSchloss Museumaltoa'S? cherry343.8

Identified by two marks on the bell end, hence alto 2!

Seems in better condition than the other alto size.

Replacement block?

My own observations and measurements.

Kirnbauer (1995); Rüdiger (2003).

datasheet herebore graph hereHere123.2134160185213.2238.2264.428916.513.311.54.2
QuedlinburgSchloss MuseumbassetaS? cherry703

Seperate foot joint that may have been glued in the past.

Baroque makeover of fontanelle mounts but original fontanelle survives, but with very irregular rose hole pattern.

Replacement block?

My own observations and measurements.

Kirnbauer (1995); Rüdiger (2003).

datasheet herebore graph hereHere230254.5294.5333398.5443.2482573.5322616.65.9
RomeMuseo degli strumenti musicali716tenord#'double trefoilSchrattenbachbox494

ex Gorga collection.

Cervelli and van der Meer (1982); Lyndon-Jones (1999).

My own observations and measurements.
datasheet herebore graph here157.5174206237.5278.2316.8353.838523.618.914.95.8
RomeMuseo degli strumenti musicali717tenorc#'! ! ! ML-J type ABassanobox555

ex Marcello collection.

Cervelli and van der Meer (1982); Lyndon-Jones (1999).

My own observations and measurements.
datasheet herebore graph here182.2200236.5270.7322.2360.5397428.725.621.618.16.5
RomeMuseo degli strumenti musicali718bassB! ! ! ML-J type ABassanobox1272.5

ex Marcello collection.

Cervelli and van der Meer (1982); Lyndon-Jones (1999).

My own observations and measurements.
datasheet herebore graph here400421467505.5690738.67771000.545.536.227.49.6
RomeMuseo degli strumenti musicali719extended bassetf#! ! ! ML-J type ABassanobox1023.5

ex Marcello collection. Extended basset with two extra keys, descending to d#

Cervelli and van der Meer (1982); Lyndon-Jones (1999).

My own observations and measurements.
datasheet herebore graph here292313.8354401.5489.8536.357669631.426.2207.3
RomeMuseo degli strumenti musicali720bassetf#! ! ! ML-J type ABassanobox852.3

ex Marcello collection. This instrument has a brass edge.

Cervelli and van der Meer (1982); Lyndon-Jones (1999).

My own observations and measurements.
datasheet herebore graph here290313.5358400.5490.5535.857869730.326.1206.3
SalamancaLa Catedral de SalamancaSLM 20caseA case for 10 recorders with a lid. 2 x bassets, 4 x tenors, 2 x altos and 2 x sopranos. Lengths of chambers: 2 x 960mm, 4 x 640mm, 2 x 440mm and 2 x 310mm.Personal correspondence

Juan Alberto Pérez Valera, Fernando Pérez Valera, Luis Alfonso Pérez Valera, Eduardo Pérez Valera, Sobre los instrumentos de viento renacentistas y los estuches conservados en el Archivo de la Catedral de Salamanca (siglo xvi), y los músicos que los tañían: los ministriles. I CONFERENCIAS DE OTOÑO EN LA CATEDRAL - LA MÚSICA EN LAS CATEDRALES DE SALAMANCA, Salamanca, 2024. p.68-73
SalzburgMuseum Carolino AugusteumM237basseta#P Pcornelian cherry (Cornus mas)?655

Highly unusual instrument with unique key arrangment.

Touch activates upside-down flap under a pierced brass cover. Score mark below cover, but wood seems to match and therefore bell is probably original. The instrument probably originally had a fontanelle, the mounts having been removed to install this key arrangement. Slight ''waisting'' at this point seems to confirm this.The voicing is damaged.

My own notes and observations.

Birsak (1973).

datasheet herebore graph here228248.6288328392.3432471.55542725.616.56
SalzburgMuseum Carolino AugusteumM241basseta#G. Walchcherry665

One piece, but baroque style instrument with typical open standing baroque key.

All looks pretty original with no sign of modification.

No fontanelle or cap.

Although elliptical,the bore is almost cylindrical.

My own notes and observations.
Birsak (1973).

datasheet herebore graph here227.5249288.2326.5393432470.3547.526.425.6175.8
SalzburgMuseum Carolino AugusteumM244bassetg#double trefoilSchrattenbachcornelian cherry (Cornus mas)?, figured743

Finger-holes 3 and 6 are angled towards the foot of the recorder.

The cap band includes the name "Hans Ravch von Schratt" and that of the fontanelle, "Ihesvs Maria Anna 1535".

Very nicely made and well preserved instrument.

Window is very neatly cut and the workmanship throughout is impressive.

My own notes and observations.
Birsak (1973).

datasheet herebore graph here234255296334411455492585.531.425.116.86.6
SibiuMuzeul de Istorie1072bassc#HIER SGerolamo Salbrun? cherry1087

My own notes and observations.

Bali (2007).


datasheet herebore graph here342.2370.6411.6453.8610654.3693.8850.544.0534.418.37.5
SibiuMuzeul de Istorie1078great bassF#HIER SGerolamo Salbrun? cherry1138

Body joint only, foot is missing

My own notes and observations.

Bali (2007).


datasheet herebore graph here536.7615.4615.4657931.8981.51020.855.541.922.78
SibiuMuzeul de Istorie1102bassetg#HIER SGerolamo Salbrun? cherry753

My own notes and observations.
Bali (2007).

datasheet herebore graph here240.8257295331419.3457.6498597.529.122.615.65.9
SibiuMuzeul de Istorie1103bassetf#W + crown835.5

My own notes and observations.
Bali (2007).

datasheet herebore graph here274306347.6388476.8523567.767031.624.520.27
SigmaringenFurstlich-Hohenzollernsches Schloss318bassetg#Cl.Rafi / shieldClaude Rafi Plum 699.5

No key, window facing the player. It is a longer version of the Eisenach Rafi

My own notes and observations &

Bär (1995).

datasheet herebore graph herephoto sheet here239.5267305337430468.5501.553529.522.812.77.5
St PetersburgMusei Muzïkalnïch Instrumentov409extended bassB (est)!!! ML-J type

Extended recorder, would have had two extra keys, in which case the logic should imply that the extra notes are Bb and G# (see extended bassets in Rome and Verona, around a fifth above this instrument.) This instrument was made with some experimentation, with signs of tone holes being plugged and redrilled. The largest surviving instrument in boxwood!

My own observations and measurements

Hunt (1962/2002)

datasheet herebore graph here360390436477691.5634.577710264539.53011.5
The HagueGemeentemuseumEa 267-1933sopraninoeb''''2''ivory240

Of typical Nürnberg design.

L&R holes 7.

Quite roughly made.

Baroque type bore with no back reaming.

My own observations and measurements (10 april 2014).

Bouterse (2001).

bore graph here77.589.5107.5124.8144.3163180198.512.659.988.22.5
TokyoH. Iino (Private Collection)altof (est)double trefoilSchrattenbachmaple511

Columnar recorder.

Mate to Brussels 189.

Ex. van Zuylen Collection, sold at Christies sale, March 1988.

Speaking length is TOL.

Young (1993).

VermillionNational Music Museum, University of South Dakota3606bassetf#ÄÄSchnitzer?box827

Ex Galpin collection.
The maker of this instrument is from Rošmberk, Bohemia; the mark is quite different to that found on the Schnitzer instruments.

My own observations.
Bruce Haynes (pers. comm.)

VermillionNational Music Museum4504altof'I.V.H.ivory413.6The lowest note (f') is 75 cents sharp.
I.V.H. is perhaps Jan van Heerde.
Drawing by Friedrich von Huene (1989), published by the museum (NMM 4504).134.9153183.6214.2250.4287.1316.5343.72218.113.34.8
VeronaAccademia Filarmonica13.242great bassF#! ! ML-J type GBassanomaple1740.5

Similar in workmanship to 13.253, but has a much larger bore and is badly out of tune.

Finger-holes three and six are heavily angled towards the foot of the recorder.

My own observations and measurements.

Meer & Weber (1982).

datasheet herebore graph hereHere538584.5627662950995.81037138558.242.83210.8
VeronaAccademia Filarmonica13.243great bassF#-! ! ! ML-J type ABassanomaple1794

Neatly made brass edge is covering the labium, as extended basset 13.249.

Finger-holes three and six are heavily angled towards the foot of the recorder.

My own observations and measurements.

Meer & Weber (1982).

datasheet herebore graph hereHere598640.3685723.51005.81049108914175240308.9
VeronaAccademia Filarmonica13.244bassB+! ! ML-J type HBassanomaple1207

Mate to basset 13.254.

Made in two parts with a separate foot, as 13.245 and 13.246.

My own observations and measurements.

Meer & Weber (1982).

datasheet herebore graph hereHere354.3400.5446.5488.5669.3715.2752.896348.233.523.88.9
VeronaAccademia Filarmonica13.245bassB! ! ML-J type GBassanomaple1294

Finger-holes three and six are heavily angled towards the foot of the recorder.

Mate to Acadamia Filarmonica (Verona) 13.246, but more bent and the bore more elliptical.

My own observations and measurements.

Meer & Weber (1982).

Ture Bergstrøm, (pers. comm.)

datasheet herebore graph hereHere410.5429475515701.5750790101246.634.9258.9
VeronaAccademia Filarmonica13.246bassB! ! ML-J type GBassanomaple1282

See notes for 13.245

My own observations and measurements.

Meer & Weber (1982).

datasheet herebore graph hereHere405.5428472513.5699.57497891009.54734.725.78.8
VeronaAccademia Filarmonica13.247bassc#double trefoilSchrattenbachplum1119

Like its sibling, 13.248, the fingerholes are very small and heavily undercut.

The crook could be original and is of an unusual form.

Cap is a modern replacement.

My own observations and measurements.

Meer & Weber (1982).

datasheet herebore graph hereHere378.2413.8456.5493.5639.5682.3723.8913.542.632.722.58.5
VeronaAccademia Filarmonica13.248bassc#double trefoilSchrattenbachplum1116

Cap, crook and fontanelle are all replacements.

See notes for 13.247

My own observations and measurements.

Meer & Weber (1982).

datasheet herebore graph hereHere379.5414455.5493.8639.8682.2722.8911.541.231.822.88.6
VeronaAccademia Filarmonica13.249extended bassetf#-! ! ML-J type ABassanomaple1043

Extended recorder, with two additional keys.

With reference to a-440hz, lowest note with all three keys closed is d#- and with two keys closed is f-.

Fingering 0 123 4567 produces f#-.

Instrument has a neat brass edge covering the labium.

See notes for 13.243.

My own observations and measurements.

Meer & Weber (1982).

datasheet herebore graph hereHere281.5301.5342.3384495539576.571437.230.524.17.8
VeronaAccademia Filarmonica13.250bassetf#! ! ML-J type GBassanomaple845

One of four bassets (13.250-53) originally forming a consort of 22 recorders with basses 13.245-6 and great bass 13.242.

My own observations and measurements.

Meer & Weber (1982).

datasheet herebore graph hereHere268297340.5381.8477523563.8676.234.324.420.57.25
VeronaAccademia Filarmonica13.251bassetf#! ! ML-J type GBassanomaple843

See notes for 13.250

My own observations and measurements.

Meer & Weber (1982).

datasheet herebore graph hereHere269294.7340.3380474.8519.5562675.534.527.320.27.5
VeronaAccademia Filarmonica13.252bassetf#! ! ML-J type GBassanomaple845

See notes for 13.250

My own observations and measurements.

Meer & Weber (1982).

datasheet herebore graph hereHere267.5297343382.3479522.2565.2675.234.627.120.47.4
VeronaAccademia Filarmonica13.253bassetf#! ! ML-J type GBassanomaple844.5

See notes for 13.250

My own observations and measurements.

Meer & Weber (1982).

datasheet herebore graph hereHere267296342382.5476.352356367536.529.220.77.4
VeronaAccademia Filarmonica13.254bassetf#+! ! ML-J type HBassanomaple821

Similar in workmanship to 13.250-3, this instrument does not play as well and is in a higher pitch.

Originally in a separate consort with 13.244

My own observations and measurements.

Meer & Weber (1982).

datasheet herebore graph hereHere253.5281325370466508.5551.366734.726.118.96
VeronaBiblioteca Capitolare1bassetf#! ! ML-J type NBassanomaple, figured837

This instrument shows signs of woodworm damage!

Meer & Weber (1982).

VeronaBiblioteca Capitolare2bassetg# (est)HIERS·Gerolamo Salbrunmaple, figured733

This instrument shows signs of woodworm damage!

Meer & Weber (1982).

ViennaGesellschaft der MusikfreundeI.N.111bassBnone1121

Henri Gohin (pers. comm.)

ViennaGesellschaft der MusikfreundeI.N.115bassetg#ÂÂSchnitzerolive786

Highly engraved key and rings.

Blown by a crook (cap and crook are later replacements.)

Unsigned, undated drawing

Marvin (1972)

datasheet herebore graph here269290.5331.5371.34494945326423124.5226.9
ViennaGesellschaft der MusikfreundeI.N.116bassBFG HV W1258

Unusual key.

Undated drawing by Fredrich von Hune

bore graph here375420.5469513689.5736.57829964730.825.39
ViennaKunsthistorisches MuseumSAM 126/C136/8513sopraninof''nonebox219

Highly unusual turning, with deep scored patterns around window and on bell.

Windway is very long and exterior profile tapers towards blowing end.

Mate to SAM 129. Original block is missing.

My own measurements and observations, published in: Darmstädter (2006).

datasheet herebore graph here68.77290108126.3145.3164.8181.813.112.384.8
ViennaKunsthistorisches MuseumSAM 127/C137/8514sopraninoe''nonebox233

Highly unusual turning, in the style of SAM 126 and 129, but without deep scored patterns around window and on bell.

Windway is very long and tapers in diameter towards blowing end.

My own measurements and observations, published in: Darmstädter (2006).

datasheet herebore graph here69.57493.5113133154.3175.2194.813.913.28.95.3
ViennaKunsthistorisches MuseumSAM 128/C138/8515sopranod#''MIplum238

Tenon turned on mouthpiece, perhaps for missing ornimental mount.

My own measurements and observations, published in: Darmstädter (2006).

datasheet herebore graph here85.693.5112.3131.3152170186.520312.510.37.54.2
ViennaKunsthistorisches MuseumSAM 129/C139/8516sopranod#nonebox258

Highly unusual turning, with deep scored patterns around window and on bell.

Windway is very long and exterior profile tapers towards blowing end.

Mate to SAM 126. original block is missing

My own measurements and observations, published in: Darmstädter (2006).

datasheet herebore graph here83.887106.8127148.8171192.821413.813.39.54.9
ViennaKunsthistorisches MuseumSAM 130/C140/8517sopranoc''+**maple285.3

Plays with Van Eyck/Jambe de Fer fingerings.

My own measurements and observations, published in: Darmstädter (2006).

datasheet herebore graph here102111.6130.2150.5177.4197.5216.5239.71513.594.9
ViennaKunsthistorisches MuseumSAM 131/C141/8518sopranoc''nonebox285

Plays with Van Eyck/Jambe de Fer fingerings.

My own measurements and observations, published in: Darmstädter (2006).

datasheet herebore graph here90.599.5121141164.4186.4208.5231.515.912.211.54.3
ViennaKunsthistorisches MuseumSAM 132/C143/8519altobflat'HIERS·Gerolamo Salbrunbox325.5

My own measurements and observations, published in: Darmstädter (2006).

datasheet herebore graph here102114135156.5185.5212.3235254.316.814.310.94
ViennaKunsthistorisches MuseumSAM 133/C144/8520altog#'nonemaple340.4

Instrument is bent.

This Recorder looks suspiciously from a later date. The fingerholes are not undercut, the wood stain looks almost modern. Block is round and edge radius therefore equals that of bore.

My own measurements and observations, published in: Darmstädter (2006).

datasheet herebore graph here120.5130.1155.6183.3214.3240.5267299.517.914.210.95.7
ViennaKunsthistorisches MuseumSAM 134/C145/8521altog'CSbox385.2

This recorder does play above note XIII, but with difficulty.

My own measurements and observations, published in: Darmstädter (2006).

datasheet herebore graph here127140167.5194.5227.5258285316.520.61812.55.4
ViennaKunsthistorisches MuseumSAM 135/C146/8522altog#'! ML-J type ABassanobox381

Plays with Ganassi fingerings.

For a long time thought to be the only example of this sort of bore (ie cylindrical bore with flare).

Maximum bore diameter is 120-140mm from the top of the instrument. The bell flare has an even larger diameter of 21.5mm

My own measurements and observations, published in: Darmstädter (2006). See also Brown (2005); Darmstädter (2008).

datasheet herebore graph here127.5140166.6193226252.52783092018.713.45.2
ViennaKunsthistorisches MuseumSAM 136/C147/8523altog'W+crownbox500.5

Instrument has been shortened and new window cut.

A trace of the original blockline is visible, so above measurements taken from there.

A clarinet style ligature/decorative band and a (Maltese?) cross in silver have been inlaid into the wood.

My own measurements and observations, published in: Darmstädter (2006).

datasheet herebore graph here161.6175.9211.3246287.3324.3358.7391.522.720.713.58.4
ViennaKunsthistorisches MuseumSAM 137/C148/8524altof'nonebox425

Well-made professional-looking instrument.

Original block missing.

My own measurements and observations, published in: Darmstädter (2006).

datasheet herebore graph here153165192.2222253284.7314.234220.417.214.34.7
ViennaKunsthistorisches MuseumSAM 138/C149/8525altof'! ML-J type

Fairly cylindrical bore, scraped out in places

My own measurements and observations, published in: Darmstädter (2006).

datasheet herebore graph here150.8161192222255.2285.531634721.71913.64.6
ViennaKunsthistorisches MuseumSAM 139/C150/8526altof'nonebox426.8

The labium of this instrument has a brass edge, held in place by a brass rivet, or nail, similar to that on SAM 157.

My own measurements and observations, published in: Darmstädter (2006).

datasheet herebore graph here153.7166191.7220.8255.8285.5314.53452016.613.74.4
ViennaKunsthistorisches MuseumSAM 140/C151/8527altof'**maple413.5

Plays with Van Eyck/Jambe de Fer fingerings.

My own measurements and observations, published in: Darmstädter (2006).

datasheet herebore graph here148.5161.8190.4219.8258288317346.219.51611.26
ViennaKunsthistorisches MuseumSAM 141/C152/8528tenore'CSbox454.5

This instrument has a brass edge to the labium.

My own measurements and observations, published in: Darmstädter (2006).

datasheet herebore graph here153.8167.3198230.3269.7301.233337022.718.915.53.8
ViennaKunsthistorisches MuseumSAM 142/C153/8529tenord#'HIERS·Gerolamo Salbrunbox497

Mate to Kunsthistoriches Museum (Viemna) SAM 144 and SAM 143.

My own measurements and observations, published in: Darmstädter (2006).

datasheet herebore graph here164.7184215245.5285.5319353383.22218.512.95
ViennaKunsthistorisches MuseumSAM 143/C154/8530tenord#'HIERS·Gerolamo Salbrunbox495.5

Mate to Kunsthistoriches Museum (Vienna) SAM 144 and SAM 142.

My own measurements and observations, published in: Darmstädter (2006).

datasheet herebore graph here161183.5214.8247288.532035338222.118.513.15.3
ViennaKunsthistorisches MuseumSAM 144/C155/8531tenord#'HIERS·Gerolamo Salbrunbox496.5

Mate to Kunsthistoriches Museum (Vienna) SAM 143 and SAM 142.

My own measurements and observations, published in: Darmstädter (2006).

datasheet herebore graph here164184215.5246.5287.2318.8353.5383.522.618.513.15.5
ViennaKunsthistorisches MuseumSAM 145/C156/8532tenord#'crownbox498

Instrument is very bent, making all measurement difficult.

Bore taper is slight

My own measurements and observations, published in: Darmstädter (2006).

datasheet herebore graph here161179213.5248.3290.3324.536039523.420.114.95.3
ViennaKunsthistorisches MuseumSAM 146/C157/8533tenord#'! ML-J type ABassanobox480.3

This instrument has an ornimental brass edge, held by a screw. Looks more like a repair than an original feature, unlike SAM 139 & SAM 157.

My own measurements and observations, published in: Darmstädter (2006).

datasheet herebore graph here172178208.5240282.5315.5349.8380.522.319.313.34.6
ViennaKunsthistorisches MuseumSAM 147/C158/8534tenore'!! ML-J type
Bassanobox / pear490

New head piece made of pear.

Joint (internal) at 412 mm from south end, visible step in bore at this point. New portion is crudely made and may not represent original speaking length.

My own measurements and observations, published in: Darmstädter (2006).

datasheet herebore graph here161.5175210245.2279.8313350380.523.421.3
ViennaKunsthistorisches MuseumSAM 148/C159/8535tenord'**maple507

This instrument has later baroque style mounts over the beak and bell.

Plays well with van Eyck/Jambe de Fer fingerings.

My own measurements and observations, published in: Darmstädter (2006).

datasheet herebore graph here191202.5238275.2324.5358390.542322.517.312.16
ViennaKunsthistorisches MuseumSAM 149/C160/8536tenorc#'! ML-J type ABassanobox566

Could be mate to SAM 150.

My own measurements and observations, published in: Darmstädter (2006).

datasheet herebore graph here183.2207241.5274.8330.6366.8401434.525.622.516.66
ViennaKunsthistorisches MuseumSAM 150/C161/8537tenorc#'! ML-J type ABassanobox565.5

Finger-hole seven angled toward foot of recorder.

Could be mate to SAM 149.

Extensive damage to labium and windway.

My own measurements and observations, published in: Darmstädter (2006).

datasheet herebore graph here185.5206.3241.8274.7331.8366.2401.5434.825.621.617.85.9
ViennaKunsthistorisches MuseumSAM 151/C162/8538tenorc#'!! ML-J type LBassanobox556.5

Finger-hole seven is angled toward the foot of the recorder.

My own measurements and observations, published in: Darmstädter (2006).

datasheet herebore graph here183.6202240.2274.2319.2357.739942923.519.714.55.5
ViennaKunsthistorisches MuseumSAM 152/C163/8539bassetc#'?ÂÂSchnitzermaple554

A small instrument with fontanelle; direct blown (no cap).

Original block is missing and crude plug is in its place, so almost no sound can be made. Design is unlike all other AA (Schnitzer recorders)


My own measurements and observations, published in: Darmstädter (2006).

datasheet herebore graph here195.5216252.5288.3328.2366.339746621.518.715.75.4
ViennaKunsthistorisches MuseumSAM 157/C168/8543tenorb flat?none visiblebox656

Small instrument with key and fontanelle, but no cap. Has a brass edge, held in place by a brass nail or rivet, similar in workmanship to that of SAM 139. Key and rings look similar work to SAM 164

My own measurements and observations, published in: Darmstädter (2006).

datasheet herebore graph here229.5246287.3325380.3420458537.526.220.317.84.7
ViennaKunsthistorisches MuseumSAM 158/C169/8544bassetg#! ML-J type

Instrument is now bent, has bulges all along exterior surface and a very irregular bore profile. Abnormal shrinkage may be the cause

My own measurements and observations, published in: Darmstädter (2006).

datasheet herebore graph here229.8258298.5337.8408449.5485.5579302416.66.5
ViennaKunsthistorisches MuseumSAM 159/C170/8545bassetg#HIERS·Gerolamo Salbrunmaple740.5

Mate to Kunsthistorisches Museum (Vienna) SAM 160.

My own measurements and observations, published in: Darmstädter (2006).

datasheet herebore graph here230.8250.8286.5324.1410.7454494.5587.5302315.76.1
ViennaKunsthistorisches MuseumSAM 160/C171/8546bassetg#HIERS·Gerolamo Salbrunmaple741.5

Mate to Kunsthistorisches Museum (Vienna) SAM 159.

My own measurements and observations, published in: Darmstädter (2006).

datasheet herebore graph here229.8251289322.3408453491.3584.529.322.515.86.4
ViennaKunsthistorisches MuseumSAM 161/C172/8547bassetg#HIE·SGerolamo Salbrunmaple765

My own measurements and observations, published in: Darmstädter (2006).

datasheet herebore graph here236.7259.3303.5344424470510614.530.724.718.56.4
ViennaKunsthistorisches MuseumSAM 162/C173/8548bassetg#HIE·SGerolamo Salbrunmaple762

My own measurements and observations, published in: Darmstädter (2006).

datasheet herebore graph here224.3258.5299.8340.7422468.4508.5613.831.825.816.75.1
ViennaKunsthistorisches MuseumSAM 163/C174/8549bassetg#CSmaple754Stamp is in relief compared to SAM 141

My own measurements and observations, published in: Darmstädter (2006).

datasheet herebore graph here257.8286.5329369437.5482520.5610.331.224.319.28.3
ViennaKunsthistorisches MuseumSAM 164/C175/4027bassetf#!!! ML-J type BBassanomaple852.5

Finger-holes 3 and 6 are angled toward the foot of the recorder; finger-hole 4 angled towards the beak.

Beautifully made instrument, keywork and details are of the highest quality, probably a player's instrument.

My own measurements and observations, published in: Darmstädter (2006).

datasheet herebore graph here269.4294337.3379476.5522.5563678.534.526.820.27.5
ViennaKunsthistorisches MuseumSAM 165/A176/8550bassetf!! ML-J type

Finger-holes 3 and 6 are angled toward the foot of the recorder.

Ex. Schloss Ambras, Innsbruck, where instrument is now on display.

Marvin (1972) gives bl-hole 7 as 712 mm.

My own measurements and observations, published in: Darmstädter (2006).

datasheet herebore graph here286317.5362.54045015475887013528.3207.1
ViennaKunsthistorisches MuseumSAM 166/C177/8551bassc#HIE·SGerolamo Salbrunmaple1139.5

Mate to Kunsthistorisches Museum (Vienna) SAM 167 and 168.

Extensive damage to labium.

My own measurements and observations, published in: Darmstädter (2006).

datasheet herebore graph here355388431475.5633675719893.542.831.522.77.7
ViennaKunsthistorisches MuseumSAM 167/C178/8552bassc#HIE·SGerolamo Salbrunmaple1123.5

Mate to Kunsthistorisches Museum (Vienna) SAM 166 and 168.

Fontanelle made in maple, figured. Labium is undamaged and cut up seems very small for such a large instrument.

My own measurements and observations, published in: Darmstädter (2006).

datasheet herebore graph here344.8375.3417.5459617.5659.8700882.54530.222.46.1
ViennaKunsthistorisches MuseumSAM 168/C179/8553bassc#HIE·SGerolamo Salbrunmaple1118.5

Mate to Kunsthistorisches Museum (Vienna) SAM 166 and 167.

Large piece missing from labium.

According to Marvin (1972) this instrument is the best playing of the three.

My own measurements and observations, published in: Darmstädter (2006).

datasheet herebore graph here354.2389.8433476632677716894.54435.321.97.1
ViennaKunsthistorisches MuseumSAM 169/C180/8554great bassF#HIE·SGerolamo Salbrunmaple1692

Unlike the fragment 1078 in Sibiu stamped HIER S, this instrument is complete and an outstanding example of a great bass recorder.

My own measurements and observations, published in: Darmstädter (2006).

datasheet herebore graph here54758663266895199910381328.55843.6287.8
ViennaKunsthistorisches MuseumSAM 170/C181/8555case

Case for eight recorders, including Kunsthistorisches Museum (Vienna) SAM 132, 142, 143, 144, 159, and 160. Lengths of chambers: 1 × 26 cm, 2.0 × 38.5 cm, 3 × 55 cm, 2 × 81 cm.

My own measurements and observations, published in: Darmstädter (2006).

datasheet here
ViennaKunsthistorisches MuseumSAM 171/C 182/8556caseLid stamped !
ML-J type A

Case for four recorders, including Kunsthistorisches Museum (Vienna) SAM 135. Lengths of chambers: 1 × 287 mm, 2 × 432 mm and 1 × 62 cm (Schlosser).

Case was broken for many years but was restored by Alfons Huber in 2007

My own measurements and observations, published in: Darmstädter (2006).

See also: Schlosser (1920/1974); Darmstädter (2008).


datasheet here
ViennaKunsthistorisches MuseumSAM 172/C 183/8557case

Case for five recorders. Lengths of chambers: 1 × 223 mm, 1 × 343 mm, 2 × 507 mm and 1 × 73 5mm.

My own measurements and observations, published in: Darmstädter (2006).

datasheet here
ViennaKunsthistorisches MuseumSAM 173/C 184/8558case

Case for four recorders. Lengths of chambers: 1 × 217 mm, 2 × 316 mm and 1 × 456 mm.

My own measurements and observations, published in: Darmstädter (2006).

datasheet here
ViennaKunsthistorisches MuseumSAM 363//7350bassetc#'! ! ! ML-J type FBassanobox559

This instrument originally had a fontanelle but no cap. Later the foot was remade in baroque style with a closed key.

Aquired at a later date than the Schlosser (1920/1974) catalogue.

Plays with Ganassi's fingerings in the high register.

My own measurements and observations, published in: Darmstädter (2006).

datasheet herebore graph here175198.2234.7270.6319356388455.825.923.214.84.8
ViennaKunsthistorisches MuseumSAM 624basseta+HD and
single trefoil on bell
maple, stained; with ivory longditudinal inlay709

Instrument stamped 1503.

Bore cylindrical with flare.

Voicing damaged but probably played with Ganassi fingerings.

From Schloss Ambras.

My own measurements and observations, published in: Darmstädter (2006).

Scheicher (1977).


datasheet herebore graph here236.8265.2306347.3405.5449.8488.5570.528.425.918.55.6
ViennaKunsthistorisches MuseumSAM 691sopranoc''nonemaple277

Simple instrument with straight drilled fingerholes, no undercutting.

Long ramp for this size instrument.

My own measurements and observations, published in: Darmstädter (2006).

datasheet here98.5107125.4146.5173.4193211.723317.11210.54.9
Washington DCDayton Miller CollectionDM1240tenorc#'!! ML-J type BBassano630

Speaking length is TOL.

Seyfrit (1982).

Washington DCDayton Miller CollectionDM0860 cat38bassetg#* / ..813

This instrument is of two-piece construction.

Speaking length is TOL.

Seyfrit (1982).