Baroque recorders

These are mostly to my own design, but based on original instruments in various collections. I usually make them in boxwood, but I do have several other woods that work equally well, including: olive, plum and grenadilla.

Alto after Jacob Denner

Alto recorders after J. Denner in a=415 Hz; made in boxwood with double holes and single holes (lower image)

This is quite closely based on a plain boxwood instrument by Jacob Denner in the Musikhistorisk Museum, Copenhagen. This has a convenient pitch of a=415 Hz and a lovely, free high register. The lower notes are not as strong and solid as found on many English instruments, although with single holes and old fingering, the lower notes are a lot more solid and full sounding. I make this recorder with both modern and old fingering, with double and single holes.

Alto recorder after Bressan

As an English recorder maker, it seemed strange never to have made an alto based on an English model. So a few years ago, I took the plans I had of the ex Hunt collection alto that is now in the Bate Collection, Oxford and decided to make a close copy of it. The original has full ivory mounts single holes and is pitched around a=405 Hz and I am making a copy of this instrument, without the ivory mounts. The waiting time for these instruments is at the moment shorter than for my “Denner” model, please let me know if you would like any further information.

Alto recorder after P. Bressan in a=405 Hz; dark stained boxwood

Alto recorder in g’ by J. B. Gahn

This is a new model, based on two original instruments, one in a private collection in Hamburg and the other in the Brüggen collection in Amsterdam. They are both in a pitch around modern f#’, which means they could be considered either an f’ recorder in high pitch (a=466 Hz), or a g’ recorder in low pitch (a=415 Hz). Gahn was a member of the turner’s guild in Nürnberg and many of his recorders are unlike the more standard designs of the Denners, Schell, Oberlander etc.. As I illustrated in an article published by the Vienna Kunsthistorisches museum, some of recorders are internally more similar to the Kynseker designs and in this respect, show a connection to early baroque recorders.

Prototype alto recorder based on two originals by J.B. Gahn

Voice flute

I have recently stopped making the voice flute that I have made for the last 35 years, which was loosely based on a tenor recorder by J.C. Denner, in the Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nuremberg.

Despite being happy with the design, I decided the instrument was too much of a compromise of my wish to make recorders closely based on historical examples and performance practice.

As far as we know, the voice flute in d’ was unknown in Germany, so this instrument would originally have been a high pitch recorder in c’. In the future I may well make a new series of voice flutes based on an English model and designed for the repertoire of the voice flute, and not necessarily that of the traverso.

Voice flutes based on instruments by J. Denner a=415 Hz; made in plum and boxwood (lower image)

Tenor recorder after Schell

I am in the final stages of developing a tenor recorder in a-415Hz based on a surviving Schell instrument in Innsbruck. The recorder is a comfortable fit for the hands and has no key, de3spite being in a low pitch. Please contact me for more information and waiting times.